Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Technology and Crime

Criminal Law Research Paper Whenever a new technology is found, like a double-edged sword, it often brings both more convenient life and possibility of danger in which potential exploitation of gap that might occur in its initial developing stage. For the past 20 years, computer related technologies and industry have been continuously advancing at radical speeds that greatly changed our way of life. The introduction of internet and digitalization of data has saved us enormous time and work required otherwise would have been wasted. On the other hand, however, it aided whole new types of property offences that are distinct from traditional ones to arise which posses’ difficulties in dealing with them by traditional way of approaching property offences. The main difficulties are, first, ‘Offences that were traditionally committed as interpersonal offences can now be committed at extreme distances and without the personal involvement of any victim. Second, the object of such offences may not amount to larcenable property or, indeed, property at all. [1] Examples of these crimes include, electronic funds transfer crime, electronic money laundering, [2]counterfeiting, and software piracy. [3] Contrary to traditional property offences, computers coupled with telecommunications technology enables offenders not to leave any traces of usual biological evidence in interpersonal offences such as finger prints or hair that could lead to the offender through forensic tests. Even if the police traced back the co mputer that the fund transfer crime was originated, the actual offender would be uncertain if it’s located in internet cafe which is used by numerous customers. This anonymity is considered the major attraction for offenders with advanced computer skills to commit such crimes. This paper will discuss the effectiveness of the current law in protecting the people from the new treats and possible policies or methods that could be implemented by authorities to combat this matter. ::The Current Doctrine and issues:: It is obvious to find that property rights have been the most important feature in our society since the beginning of the civilisation as the oldest written law, the Code of Hammurabi[4] which dates back to 1750 BC, contains codes that protected individual property. Protection of ownership encourages people to work at their full potential in return for increase in their wealth and power that gives satisfaction and security. If such protection was absent, stealing and damaging personal possessions to satisfy the needs and wants would have been occasional and we might not have been able to achieve the standard of living and the social security we enjoy now. Under the current common law system, properties are protected by both case law and statutes. Obviously regarding the history of development, there are countless case laws relating to property matter. Statutes are also implemented in order to provide protection of the rights for aiding the courts if the kind of the offence is the new one and there are no relevant authorities available for judges to rely on. Those protections have been building onto one and another from strong foundations and nowadays physical property protection by the law seems quite drastic. However the dawn of the digital age introduced a whole new range of offences that cannot be categorised by traditional methods. ::Absence of Specific victim or damage:: What would be the damage to the bank if their internet banking facility has been used for electronic money laundering? There is no person harmed or any physical property damage done to the bank. When a personal computer which happens to belong to a CEO is hacked and confidential information about a report that is not intended for releasing to the public that predicts a shape rise in share prices caused by exceptional performance is retrieved by the hacker and he/she and his/her friends make millions of dollars based on that information, is it possible to measure the damage? Or does it even exist? As exampled, some new types of illegal acts do not create specific victim or damage or the both. In order to regulate these treats, the definition of property has been extended to ones that take forms of electronic data and even to intellectual ones. By recognising such properties it is now possible to identify the damage incurred and the victim which enables us to enforce the traditional doctrine of property offences approach. To reward the victims for the damages they suffered under the civil law and to prosecute the offender and enforce penalties under the criminal law. :Types of new offences:: Hacking and intrusion into a computer system is the most common form of computer based crime, hackers usually commit this offence in order to gain confidential information or to inspect the level of security measures in place for preparation of other offence[5]. Rarely, some hackers attempt to break into a system that’s guarded by strong security system and dam age the system itself just to demonstrate the ability of him or her self. This kind of act is also known as electronic vandalism[6]. The next most common offence is the intellectual property offences such as breaching copy rights by making illegal duplicate of intellectual property, for example, books, movies, music and games. This type of offence is becoming more and more ordinary as the fast broadband internet access’s being available to most of the households enabling such illegally copied materials to be circulated and distributed at fast rate even crossing borders without any obstruction. Electronic funds transfer crime and electronic money laundering are also major crimes that are becoming increasingly difficult to regulate with traditional counter measures. :Traditional Countermeasures:: Most common methods often chosen by the government is to take legislative and administrative action to deal with the problem before it gets out of hand. Russell emphasises in his journal ‘This method to criminalise has, however, a number of dangers. First, is the difficulty, noted by Dunning (1982, pp. 293-4), of over-codifying behaviour: one does not want to enact a new provision every time a new permutation of criminal behaviour arises. Ideally, the elasticity of a common law system will supply the omissions of the legislature but there are limits to which our judiciary will, and indeed can, go. ’[7], that there are limits in legislative and administrative approach that the society can take as legitimate. There is also the fundamental problem of difficulty when trying to battle the new offences with the traditional approach in quantifying the offences[8] since the nature and characteristics of the offences often leave no trace at all and also authorities might not disclose the information because of embarrassment or commercial inconvenience. Deceptive quantifying which makes the policy makers to take distorted view of the seriousness of the issue is also the problem. For example, ‘a pursuit of a US$0. 75 accounting error in a computer account led to the unravelling of an international espionage ring. ’[9] Event like this confuses the decision makers in deciding the level or degree of regulation should be imposed. Originality of the crime also creates great challenge to the authorities, globalization of networks and widespread of the internet permits offenders to stay in their own country and commit crime in the systems of foreign country. This poses exorbitant difficulties in determining the place of the occurrence of the crime in order to decide which prosecution authority should be handing the matter and where to collect and present evidence to. ::Possible Alternative methods of Prevention:: There are several proposed ways for the government to deal with the problem. Restricting the availability of new technologies themselves, or restricting certain people from possessing and using new technologies and so on†¦ Probably the most fundamental solution of all, considering the possibility of misuse of the technology, the researchers and developers in the initial stage of the process should apply crime prevention measures that prevents misuse of such vulnerable technologies and if the cost is too high to carry out the modification the government should always consider to subsidise the process because the cost of exploitation of the weakness of the technology might be even greater. But there is also possibility that those precautions implemented could be compromised and the additional development costs vaporised. The break of the DVD movie title encryption and area code protection by hackers and crackers which introduced Dvix is the good example of it. The next best cost effective way is commercial solution[10]. Various needs to protect one’s electronic assets from possible attackers would generate considerable market demand for electronic and informational security. Companies with expertise of those matters would grow and it would provide professional advices, helps and protection with reasonable fee that would be far more less than it would cost for individual demanders to develop such systems. Also from the demand for assuring the compensation for the damages caused electronically, new insurance policies would emerge and protect the losses incurred. When dealing with technologies that are developed for military or investigative use, it is best for the government to take action that prevents possession and use of those technologies by possible offenders. Such as code breaker program designed for military operations should be restricted for the use of the purposes intended only, to achieve that, it is best to isolate the program in selected systems that are not connected to the internet. However if the technology developed found to be viable for use by the public to improve their standard of life, it should be considered that more benefit would be realised by making it public depending on specific technology. A super fast speed satellite communication intended for space crafts would be viable to use for the faster internet connection than conventional technology. But it might also make it possible for hackers to get into the satellite’s control system and disable it causing extravagant disaster thus making the technologies availability restrictive is important. Those alternatives and traditional methods may stop offenders from commission of crime but it may also encourage imitating one as well. A news report that the government is banning all child pornography sites may attract people’s attention and they might try search that kind of sites since the anonymity of access which increases the demand for viewing such material that results growth of pornography sites. :Conclusion:: Implementing the traditional approaches to deal with new emerging types of crime involving new technologies does seem to work when the new type of crime shows some fundamental similarities with already existing crimes such as causing harm whether electronic or physical or financial. Since such offences are opposed by the society and could easily be crimina lised by legislation or administrative means without difficulty. Nevertheless, quantifying and implementing the right policy or legislation is too difficult because of exterritorial issues and lack of statistics. However, as the technologies used for commission of crime advances, so does the technologies used to investigate, exam, and share information with the public and the rest of the world which aids authorities in combating using traditional approaches. Mechanisms for surveillance and detection, blocking devices, and technologies of restraint and incapacitation could also be adopted to backup the weak points of the traditional approach. Yet, while implementing those mechanisms the authority should consider possibilities of infringe of privacy right. The use of â€Å"high-tech† means of restraint might well lead to fundamental changes in police practice. Easily available technological fixes may tempt reliance to the extent that traditional law enforcement skills become neglected due to their inconvenience and community relations will be overlooked and discarded. There would also be other social impacts of crime prevention technologies. It may include disproportionate use of restraint technologies against disadvantaged groups, such as people who are unable to afford security technologies. And a shift in the burden of crime to those prospective victims may occur. Nonetheless, it would look like a miscalculation if we are to back off from developing and researching new technologies for crime prevention and control simply because they may be used inappropriately. â€Å"The telephones, indeed, the wheel, have criminal applications, technologies in the hands of responsible, accountable professionals can enhance liberty, rather than threaten it,† Dr Grabosky said. Technology and Crime Control insists on that the direction of ultimate benefits of new crime prevention technologies to the public, their development and use should be based on thorough consultation and extensive testing, and those who use them should be appropriately trained and supervised. The authors of the journals conclude that there is not one fit-to-all overall solution to these new kinds of emerging crime due to the varied nature of computer-related criminal conducts. They suggest, however, that technological and market solutions will be just as, if not more, important as law enforcement. With the invisible hands of the market the authorities should be able to find the optimal way of combating the new crimes sided by new technology. Bibliography 1. Brown et al, Criminal Laws, The Federation Press 2. P Grabosky & R Smith, Crime in the Digital Age: Controlling Telecommunications and Cyberspace Illegalities, the Federation Press (1998) 3. Russell Smith, Criminal Exploitation of New Technologies AIC Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice No93 (July 1998) 4. New millennium Doosan English Encyclopaedia No11 Doosan cooperation (2000) 5. Australian Bureau of Statistics 1997, Recorded Crime, Australia 1996, ABS Catalogue No. 4510. 0, AGPS, Canberra (1998), Yearbook Australia, ABS Catalogue No. 1301. 0, AGPS, Canberra. 6. P. N. Grabosky, Russell G. Smith, Paul Wright, Crime and Telecommunications AIC Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice No 59 (August 1996) 7. Russell G. Smith, Stealing Telecommunications Services AIC Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice No 54 (April 1996) 8. Peter Grabosky, Technology & Crime Control, AIC Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice No 78 (January 1998) ———————– 1] Brown et al, Criminal Laws, The Federation Press pg 1058 [2] P Grabosky & R Smith, Crime in the Digital Age: Controlling Telecommunications and Cyberspace Illegalities (1998) The Federation Press chapter 1 [3] Russell Smith, Criminal Exploitation of New Technologies AIC Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice No93 (July 1998) pg 3 [4] Fo und in 1901 by French explorers in the Old Persian Capital of Shush (Susa), contains 282 codes consisting of criminal commercial, individual property laws – New millennium Doosan English Encyclopaedia No11 Doosan cooperation (2000) pg. 54 [5] Australian Bureau of Statistics 1997, Recorded Crime, Australia 1996, ABS Catalogue No. 4510. 0, AGPS, Canberra (1998), Yearbook Australia, ABS Catalogue No. 1301. 0, AGPS, Canberra. [6] P. N. Grabosky, Russell G. Smith, Paul Wright, Crime and Telecommunications AIC Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice No 59 (August 1996) pg 2 to 3 [7] Russell G. Smith, Stealing Telecommunications Services AIC Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice No 54 (April 1996) pg 3 [8] [9] P. N. Grabosky, Russell G. Smith, Paul Wright, Crime and Telecommunications AIC Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice No 59 (August 1996) pg 3 [10] P. N. Grabosky, Russell G. Smith, Paul Wright, Crime and Telecommunications AIC Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice No 59 (August 1996) pg 5

Lord of the Flies: The Evil of Human Nature Essay

â€Å"However Simon thought of the beast, there rose before his inward sight the picture of a human at once heroic and sick(Golding 128). This quote from William Goldings novel, Lord of the Flies, effectively suggests that human beings are evil; which is also the main theme of the novel. In the novel, the major characters at the ending reinforce Goldings negative view of human nature. Golding provides his view of human nature very early in the novel. The island on which the boys land is described as a paradise with a variety of flora and fauna. Upon the boys landing, the tube carrying the boys causes a scar on the island. The intensity of the destruction caused by the scar is described: All round him the long scar smashed into the jungle was a bath of heat(Golding 11). However, the destruction does not stop there. Later, the boys burn down a large part of the island as a result of their carelessness. Here, Golding shows that humans cause destruction even if they did not mean to. He is almost suggesting that causing destruction is second nature to us humans. At the end of the novel, the destruction comes full circle when Jacks tribe burns down the entire island. The presence of the boys has completely changed the island from a beautiful paradise to a charred wreckage. Goldings pessimistic view of human nature is further expanded with the issue of hunting. As the novel progresses, Jacks level of obsession with hunting continues to escalate until the very end of the novel. It is interesting to note that although the island has an abundance of fruits and the boys can easily catch fish and crabs at the beach, Jack insists on hunting to get meat. Later on, he enjoys hunting as if it were a sport:His mind was crowded with memories; memories of the knowledge that had come to them when they had outwitted a living thing, imposed their will upon it, taken away its life like a satisfying drink(Golding 88). Jack hunts not with the sole intention to get meat, but he particularly enjoy exercising power over living creatures while hunting. This shows how much Jack enjoys having power; the power to control other beings. Throughout the novel, Jack does everything he can to gain the respect of the boys; to gain support for power. Later when he most of the boys join his tribe, Jack takes one last step to secure his position as chief of his tribe. He goes as far as to order his tribe to hunt and kill Ralph to eliminate the last threat to his position. Here, we can see that Jack has moved from hunting pigs to hunting humans. Thus, this shows how savage and evil man can be as he hunts even his own kin. Besides, these examples also show that humans have an unquenchable thirst for power that if not controlled, will blind us and take over our soul. In the novel, Golding uses Jack and his tribe to illustrate the effects of complete freedom to man. After Jacks tribe is formed, the members are no longer referred to as boys but as savages with Jack as their Chief. This is a direct reference to the boys regression into a primitive state of being. Jacks tribe also performs several primitive practices that are usually attributed as savage. First of all, they paint their faces and bodies to conceal themselves while hunting pigs. Next, they perform brutal killing of pigs:Roger found a lodgment point and began to push till he was leaning with his whole weight. The spear moved forward inch by inch and the terrifying squealing became a high-pitched scream. Then Jack found the throat and the hot blood spouted over his hands(Golding 168,169). Last of all, they give an offering, the pigs head, to the beast hoping it would not harm them. Thus, this shows that the boys do not understand the true nature of the beast. Their situation is similar to primitive man, who gave offerings to gods and idols to protect their own well-being from natural disasters they did not understand. It is during the presentation of the offering that Jack said: Sharpen a stick at both ends (Golding 169). Obediently, Roger sharpens a stick and Jack skewers the pigs head on one end of the stick and places the other into the ground. This statement is repeated again at the end of the novel. When Ralph asks Samneric of what Jacks tribe plan to with him once he was captured one of them replied, Roger sharpened a stick at both ends(Golding234). Although Ralph would hardly understand what the phrase means, the terrible truth becomes clear to the reader. Jacks tribe plans to behead Ralph and skewer his head on a stick sharpened at both ends as another offering to the beast. It is, by far, the most brutal display of human savagery. Without the eye of watchful adults, Jack and his tribe are uncontrollable; and Jack as their leader, has absolute power. Golding has written Lord of the Flies based on his experience in war. He realizes that war is the greatest act of human evil, for it takes the lives of innocent people and causes nothing but destruction. Therefore, it is fitting for Golding to highlight the effects of war in the novel to reinforce his pessimistic view of human nature. At the end of the novel, Golding leaves the reader with an image of a war ship, which is one of the many traces of war in the novel. If the reader examines the opening of the story, there are references to a war going on in the world, such as Piggys mention of the atomic bomb: Not them. Didnt you hear what the pilot said? About the atomic bomb? Theyre all dead(Golding 20). The reader discovers that the boys are stranded on the island because of the war. Besides that, another trace of the war is the dead parachutist. The boys mistake the dead parachutist for the beast. Ironically, the dead parachutist is the beast in the sense that he is connected to the war going on in the world outside and the beast is attributed to the evil in human nature. Even the boys have their very own war on the island. Therefore, the island could represent a microcosm of the outside world. Now, we return to the image of the war ship. The arrival of the ship allows the boys to be rescued. However, the ship only serves to remind the reader that although the boys are rescued, they are taken back to a war-torn world. After experiencing one war, the boys are being taken to another. The circle of destruction continues. To sum everything up, Golding effectively uses the main characters, especially at the ending, to prove that humans are more evil than good. The last page of the novel has one last scene of Ralph which summarizes the main themes of the novel. From his experience on the island, he is no longer an innocent child as he has been exposed to the evil nature of human beings and human savagery:And in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of mans heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy(Golding 248). Works citedGolding, William. Lord of the Flies. London: Faber and Faber, 1996.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Psychology of aging Essay

As people age, they become vulnerable to various diseases such as diabetes among others. Diabetes is a disease that affects many of individuals all around the world and arises when there is a high level of sugar in the blood for an extended period of time. There exist three known types of diabetes- Type1, which affects mostly the younger population; Type II, that affects population above 40; and gestational diabetes which affects women during the third trimester of their pregnancy. Factors that give rise to diabetes include hereditary factors, being overweight and problem with beta cells located in the pancreas (Jack, 2006, 45). I) Type I This occurs when the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Thus patient of this type of diabetes have to receive daily injections of insulin. The most affected are the children and young adults but can also affect people of other ages. Type I diabetes is caused by destruction of beta cells resulting from malfunctioning of the body’s immune system (Jack, 2006, 71). II)Type II In this case, the beta cells do not produce enough insulin to meet the needs of the body. Moreover, the cells in the body do not react appropriately to the available insulin because they cannot admit glucose through their cell membranes. The type II nature of diabetes is most vulnerable to aging people (Jack, 2006, 71) Though diabetes has no cure it can be controlled through diet, proper medication and exercise. Campaigns on how to best manage the disease is important in avoiding adverse effects on the body. Old and aging people need to take excessive care with their diets and how they exercise their bodies. Care and attention should also be given to the aging people especially those who are diabetic.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Project proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Project proposal - Essay Example Distance-learning and part-time students must have access to a workplace supervisor who holds an MSc or higher award or published in a referred journal. If the student wishes, an additional (second) workplace supervisor can be asked to fulfill this criterion. "I declare this is all my own work and does not contain unreferenced material copied from any other source. If it is shown that any material has been 3lagiarized, I understand that a mark of zero may be awarded and the reason for that mark recorded on my student record." To test the reliability of ADVIA 2120 in revealing accurate red blood cell parameters is the interest of this study. Stricture is critical when providing clinically relevant data on patients with abnormal indices in red blood cells. Red blood cell volume and red blood cellular hemoglobin on specified samples has been found to be accurately measured using ADVIA 2120 flow Cytometry. It was also found to be capable of showing through a histogram variance around the mean in the two measurements. The red cell matrix and the enumerated red cell sub-populations by their Hb and MCV indices or MCV variance are called the Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW). The cellular Hb variance is called the Hemoglobin Distribution Width (HDW). Increased RDW is commonly described morphologically as anisocytosis, and increased HDW is commonly known as anisochromia. In addition to the location of the abnormal red cells on the ADVIA 2120 erythrogram

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business opportunities in the leisure goods and activities industry Essay - 5

Business opportunities in the leisure goods and activities industry - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that leisure goods and services are one of the sectors with the fastest level of growth in the UK. However, Business Link further points out that spending on recreation and leisure is discretionary, varying in line with disposable income, and that the sector responds quickly to recessionary pressures. It is for this reason that expenditure in the industry is highest where consumers are able to devote time and money to leisure activities and goods. Business Link also indicates that the key drivers for this sector include: inexpensive air travel; the aspirations for higher lifestyle and increasing disposable incomes Increasing opportunities in countries experiencing increases in disposable incomes but where the sector is still in the developmental stages, for example, Eastern Europe. This industry has the ability to increase employment, attract revenue and therefore drive domestic development in the UK. The paper indicates that the total expenditure increased every year over the six-year period. However, the percentage increase varied. The total expenditure increased by 3% in 2003, 4.2% in 2004, 3.7% in 2005, 2.5% in 2006, and 4.1% in 2007. The food and drink the sector with the highest expenditure accounting for 41% of the total expenditure in 2002 and 2007. This sector was followed by family outings and holidays with 23% in 2002 and 25% in 2007. The culture sector was the sector with the lowest expenditure showing a mere 4% in 2002 and falling to 3.5% in 2007.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Class Inequalities In Leisure Participation Essay

Class Inequalities In Leisure Participation - Essay Example Relate them with the closest leisure activity involved and explain the concept of gender differences between different classes. Supporting references are Ken Roberts.(2004) Cultural trends. Explain how feminist thoughts are influential over this gender differences. Make gender difference evident and in contrast to the participating activities performed. Explain the changes in relative participation rates, tastes and preferences, priorities in indulgence and the very own thought weather to take part in leisure or not. Explain the importance of leisure to different classes irrespective of status of the classes. Explain the challenges faced by the people from lower class. Explain the opportunities that can be availed by various classes of people. Discussion points: Prove how relaxing and spending time in leisure are useful to all classes irrespective of cast, creed and sex. Explain to what extent are the people from poorer backgrounds are breaking out of the myth that they are bound to work only. Make clear-cut announcements, which get deposited in the minds of the people. How free are people to take part in leisure and this purely depends on the attitudes of the people. Introduction- Describe the structure of essay to make the reader understand. You have to focus on time limitations imposed on leisure.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Housing discrimination of new immigrants in Toronto and Ontario Research Paper

Housing discrimination of new immigrants in Toronto and Ontario - Research Paper Example As many immigrants would say, racial discrimination is a fact that ills many societies and is not only a problem in Canada. In essence, minorities attract ratings according to their racial origin, religious background, ethnic language, and their sources of income influenced their living conditions (Patrias, Savage & CCLH, 2012). This tends to be a matter that is of exceptional human concern as discrimination of any kind is against the human rights provisions (OHRC, 2007). Often, immigrants tend to be last in the consideration list for possible occupancy in residential areas resided by those who are economically able in society. However, the grimiest housing blocks play host to immigrants who have poor economic background in Toronto and Ontario. This happens irrespective of the education level of an immigrant but because of their skin tones that make them appear unable. Is discrimination according to ones race justifiable in determining whether one can have decent living conditions? T herefore, this essay will delve on the housing challenges that new immigrants encounter in Ontario and Toronto. Background and current status Ideally, racial prejudice arose mainly because of international slavery that saw millions of minority racial groupings move to the western nations. In essence, slave trade in the early centuries was a trade that many viewed as contravening to human nature principles. Subsequently, slaves increased in numbers making their descendants remain in the foreign lands. However, immigrants find themselves working for minimal pay as it happened in the past where slaves worked for lesser pay packages. In addition, housing conditions for many immigrants are demeaning as they cannot afford to house themselves decent housing because of their jobs (Reitz, Phan & Banerjee, 2009). In the past, slaves lived in poorly ventilated rooms as per the wishes of their masters. This aspect of inferiority has existed to date as Canadians do not opportunity to immigrants from other continents the opportunity to live in their expensive houses. Ironically, even for immigrants that have better income levels still find it hard to occupy houses in the up market as many Canadians are prejudicial to race and ethnicity (Anisef & Lanphier, 2003). This attribute creates an avenue for inequality as no one has more entitlement to living than immigrants residing in Canada. As per the view of many house owners in Canada, immigrants tend to have low education levels meaning that they may not be able to access quality work opportunities (Reitz, Phan & Banerjee, 2009). These landlords turn them away despite the availability of a vacant room in their premises as they view as unemployed and troublesome. In many instances, this may not be the actual case as these immigrants have made intense strides in ensuring that they acquire education that is the required quality. Therefore, immigrants may not necessarily suffer from unemployment but tend to work in deplorable work stations. Arguably, slavery seems to have set the standard to which immigrants could not surpass in terms of wages or salary levels. This means that no matter how hard immigrants in Toronto and Ontario try to access better housing conditions, their past will forever drag them in to misery (OHRC, 2007). On the contrary, visible discrimination against immigrants of minority descent is a contravention of the Human Rights Code existing in Ontario. Key considerations Over the years,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Film Clip Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Film Clip - Movie Review Example In the latter part of the clip, the sounds from the set gets more and more clearer. Noises from the outside of Uncle Jean's room can be deciphered by anyone. The sound of the voices in the other rooms, the noise of dishes clanging to the unexplainable sounds emerging from Uncle Jean's radio. The makers of this film wanted it to be more realistic, so they opted to choose the natural sounds coming from the set itself instead of using sound effects and dubbing the characters' voices. None, absolutely none of the sounds in the whole of the film was altered, omitted nor edited. The director captured the heart of the film by doing so. Employing sound effects would make an impression of the film as unrealistic, commercial or will make it seem as if it was overdone. If the viewer listens very thoroughly to all of the film's sounds, even the slightest and the most unimportant of those, he will get a feel of what it is like to be in that hospital room with the beautiful Carmen and her eccentric Uncle Jean. Style / Mis-en-scene/Editing/Plot The 5-minute French film clip, when initially judged by a viewer, looks like a film made in the late 1980's or the early 1990's, the hairstyle of one of the two characters. The quality of the picture states out the hint that the film was probably shot in the 1970's. Other than that, one can not interpret when the movie was made. The style of the scene location is undeniably bleak, it was obviously shot wholly in the hospital room of Carmen's Uncle Jean. The color of the hospital room even adds to the gloom of the purely conversational and poignant film. It looks like a working class hospital in France because of the way his room looks, it doesn't look dirty and shabby, and neither does it look clean and hygienic. Well, it is not that important to dwell on those aspects of the film. Humans express themselves and their emotions in a variety of modes. Whether it be actions, words, pictures, speeches and the like. Each and every one of these modes may be branded as a "language" (mode of expression and communication). In the film, the characters expressed themselves very clearly, from their gestures to their facial expressions. Uncle John is obviously depressed and bored with his situation, so the visit of his niece Carmen felt like utter relief from him, a refuge from his boredom. In his dialogue, he is confusingly reluctant to grant his niece's request to borrow his apartment unit in Trouville. On the set, the lighting did an almost perfect job in blending with the overall ambience of the hospital room, there was barely any light other than sunlight outside the room. Most probably, the scene was morning, so the overall appearance of the room contrasted with the lightness, eagerness and the joyful atmosphere of the morning. The conversation between the two is not movie-like. It was realistically executed and delivered by the characters as if they were really their characters, as if they weren't

The characteristics of small business owners&8223, and the nature of Essay

The characteristics of small business owners‟, and the nature of small business in general - Essay Example Small businesses are usually sole proprietorship companies that are run by individuals or families. The success of small businesses largely depends on their owners and the resources available to them (English, 2006). There are many desirable characteristics of small business owners, namely (a) opportunity seekers, (b) risk-takers, (c) persistent, (d) committed to work, (e) goal setters, (f) information seekers, (g) knows how to demand for quality and efficiency, (h) good in planning and monitoring, (i) persuasive and knows how to communicate ideas, and (j) confident ((English, 2006; English and Moate, 2009; Deakins, and Freel, 2009). To get a clearer picture of how small businesses work and what important characteristics small business owners should have, let us discuss these things one by one. II. Characteristics of Small Businesses in General One of the main advantages of small businesses is flexibility and the ability to move quickly (Deakins, and Freel, 2009). Note that in small businesses, the owners are usually at the helm of the operations and can decide immediately on issues concerning the business. Also, in small businesses, there are very few management levels which make decision-making processes less complicated (Deakins, and Freel, 2009). Since small businesses are flexible, it can easily jump into certain opportunities. ... This kind of open and fluid communication is usually absent in bigger companies so it takes longer time for bigger companies to decide on certain production issues and meet the demands of the market. Small businesses have many disadvantages but they also have disadvantages. One of the biggest disadvantages of small businesses is limited capital. Most small businesses are financed directly from the pocket of their owners so they do not usually have that much start-up capital (Gerber, 2001). Generating capital through bank loans may also prove to be quite a challenge for small businesses since they establishments do not have enough assets to serve as guarantee for loans (Gerber, 2001). In most cases, small business owners have to mortgage their personal properties to finance their businesses. Since small businesses have limited capital, these establishments may find it difficult to development their products properly and reach their target market efficiently (Gerber, 2001). Operating o n shoe-string budget often takes its toll on small businesses and many of these establishments go bankrupt during the first six months of operation. III. Characteristics of Small Business Owners Running a small business is challenging and it takes a special breed of entrepreneurs to set-up and run this kind of establishment. According to Zahra et al. (2009), running a small business is like running a guerilla army with limited resources in a flexible environment that allows the entrepreneur to innovate and be creative. As earlier mentioned in this essay, there are many desirable characteristics of small business owners. In order to survive in a very competitive market, small business owners must know how to spot opportunities and act

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Aristotle's constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Aristotle's constitution - Essay Example (Moore, 1983:144). The constructive forward-thinking characteristics that shaped Athenian democratic government give the modern world its actual derivation of the word democracy. The demesmen or citizens of Athens came together astutely to set up representative power in order to supercede the earlier oligarchic control by the aristocracy. According to the Athenian Constitution the prevailing governing assembly or Ekklesia was comprised of all registered Athenian males over eighteen years of age whose parents were citizens of Athens (Moore, 1983:182). Ephebes, the newly-registered Athenian young adults, were required to undergo military training for a year and serve on patrol as guards for another year prior to attaining to full citizenship (Moore, 1983:184). The councils of decision-makers, with the exception of a few elected officials, as well as the jurors were selected by lot from each of the tribes of the deme. The Council members that drew up the program for the plenary session once for each prytany or term (Moore, 1983:142) were also chosen by lot every year from the citizenry, and the resolutions of the Boule answered to the courts of the people or dikasterion (Moore, 1983:185). Nearly everything was determined by lot, whether it was the office of the King Archon and the Polemarch (Moore, 1983:195) or the free market advisers (Moore, 1983:191), most Athenians were selected for civic duties by chance. The chairman of the Prytanies or the committee of the Boule or Council, who kept the city seal and held the keys to the place where the treasury and public records were stored, was rotated in that office daily and could not serve twice (Moore, 1983:186). Casting lots was the usual means of appointment with two notable exceptions. First, in the religious sphere ten sacred officials in charge of expiation were elected to offer the sacrifices required by the oracles for religious rites. Another ten of these were chosen by lot to oversee the annual rituals (Moore, 1983: 194). Secondly, in the area of the armed services all military leaders were likewise elected officials. Cavalry commanders and military officers were chosen by the Prytany. Ten strategoi or generals, were elected from the whole citizenry and served more generally as a court of chief magistrates (Moore, 1983:142), but these magistrates were always answerable to the electorate as to their conduct in office, and with the vote of the Prytany could be tried in the dikasterion or the public courts for any violations of electoral trust (Moore, 1983:201). The fact that sacred and military offices would have been important elected positions is not surprising in that these responsibilities concern public matters that are of weighty importance in the management and stability of the public well-being. Both require well thought-out choices for competent and worthy individuals in order to guarantee the security of the state, unlike other duties which ought to be representative and inclusive of all citizens, such as jury duty and the day-to-day matters of governance, as well as initial service in the lower ranks of the military. Athenian democracy is not entirely similar to modern concepts of genuine participatory rule by the people. Athens' Constitution, like any modern constitution, set out the design and ideal of the democracy it

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

History-Modern American Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History-Modern American Culture - Essay Example Thus, the progressivism arose as the main political ideology of America in the first half of the twentieth century. The underlying concept of progressivism was that the government could be used to improve the society. The reforms took place in all spheres from education, medicine, finance, insurance, industry, railroads, and so on. Under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt, political and business leaders, and journalists like Ida Tarbell, and Lincoln Steffens, the country began to clean its systems up; cities began to appear cleaner and healthier, workplaces became safer and workers received more consideration from their employers and many of these changes were the result of ‘enlightened self-interest’1. Some notable achievements of progressivism were the antitrust laws, state and national income taxes, strict regulations on businesses, laws regarding minimum wages, the decision to have direct election of senators, and the Federal Reserve System. Some other developments that had a significant role in shaping American society were the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and the establishments of juvenile courts. In addition, the Nineteenth Amendment allowed women’s suffrage. ... It enabled militarism, conscription, and allowed the federal government to intervene heavily in all regional affairs in the name of war and gave the central government total control over economy and the whole nation. Another important thing was the coming of females to the social front as envisaged by Progressivism. The National Defense established an Advisory Committee on Women’s Defense Work, thus enabling females to have a better position in the society, though indirectly, through food control and voluntary work in support of the war effort. Yet another point according to Rothbard is that the war has made it necessary for economy to cooperate with the government later allowing the government to have more control over the economic monopolies2. Though the Great Depression and World War II battered American economy, it again flourished considerably. As a result of the new social changes, wealth was more equitably distributed and the government had more control over investment, development and research. The GI bill enabled many to have education, many owned their own homes, and as a result of the growth, unemployment went down and wages rose considerably. Thus, one can say, the liberal consensus of America reached its peak. Probably as a result of the many wars it fought, the National Security Act recognized the federal government and a National Security Council was set up to advice the president. as Bigsby points out, the wars and the potential threat from Soviet Union helped the government to proceed with its aggressive military plans of alliances, treaties and military bases in many countries throughout the world3. A marked change in the position of Blacks in America did not take place until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965. Thus,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ethnic Groups and Discrimination Essay Example for Free

Ethnic Groups and Discrimination Essay I belong to the White ethnic group which was responsible for the colonization of North America. While I am part of the White ethnic group, my family immigrated to the United States from Germany quite some time after the major colonization of North America. When most people think about the colonization of North America they think of White people on the Mayflower landing on Plymouth Rock. While the pilgrims did colonize what is now referred to as New England, the Spanish were actually the first to colonize North America. No matter who first colonized North America, this colonization caused an influx of immigrants that asserted their dominance over the native people. This colonization was also the root cause of slavery being introduced to this New World. Pilgrims are most notably identified as coming to North America to escape religious persecution. The ironic part of the colonization is that the pilgrims forced their religion on those native to North America. It is important to note that this may be one of the first indications of future ethnic and racial problems that would caused by the colonization of North America. I dont think people normally think about racism happening to Caucasians. Unfortunately it is very common for racism to happen to all ethnic groups in the U. S. Caucasian racism and prejudice against other ethnic and racial groups always seem to get the most publicity. It would be better to broaden our view of prejudice and racism so that we could get the whole story. I think that the Caucasian group had brought most of this negative attention on itself. Historically the U. S. has been dominated by Caucasians, which means this group doesnt have as much to worry about restrictions due to ethnicity or racial group. If we break down the Caucasian group even further we can see that this is even truer for the males, which I am, of this group. Male Caucasians have long been the dominant force in U. S. society. The majority of restrictions placed on females and ethnic groups have been enforced by Male Caucasians. The most notable Caucasian discrimination has been against African Americans. African Americans were largely used for slave labor during the beginning of the U. S. Going from slave to equal isnt easy, in both occurrence and acceptance from the former dominant or controlling group. This dominant position can be seen as a major reason why the view of discrimination is still focused on Caucasians. Since the Caucasian males of the past have put restrictions on most other ethnic groups, this wrong was attempted to be undone by Affirmative Action laws (Fullinwider, Robert). While most people see Affirmative Action as being helpful, it has also caused discrimination against Caucasian males. Some government agencies require a quota on hiring certain ethnic groups (this included female Caucasians). This can cause a job candidate that has hirer qualifications to be passed over just to fulfill a quota. I have seen this happen to my father while he was applying for a firefighter/EMT position. You can easily see the Caucasian male dominance by noticing the dual labor market effect. I see it more as a multiple labor market since I would also include female Caucasians as another labor market. Immigrants from Mexico often enter into a portion of this multiple labor market, most notably the farming community. Whether it is farming, manual labor, or the lower-end service sector it seems that it seems more acceptable to Caucasians for other ethnic groups to occupy these types of jobs. When the other ethnic groups occupy positions normally held by Caucasian males, we often see a limitation in their ability to progress in that profession (glass ceiling). If you look at the breakdown of people who run companies you will see this is dominated by Caucasians males, followed by males of the other ethnic groups, then females of all ethnic groups. Discrimination isnt only apparent in the job market, but in how companies invest in certain areas. It is seen in our response to what is happening in other areas of cities or areas of the country. We have slums and ghettos that dont get investment monies to fix them up due to the lower class segregation. We have other areas occupied by a high number of non-Caucasians that dont get investments just because of their ethnicity. New Orleans is a perfect example of all of these inequalities. It was a city segregated by race, ethnicity, and social class standing. The devastation caused by hurricane Katrina happened to people who couldnt afford to get out on their own, and was compounded by the predominantly Caucasian governments lack of response (arguably due to the racial differences between U. S. leaders and with the people effected by the disaster). I dont feel that I fit in with the standard culture for my Caucasian ethnic group or the U. S. mainstream culture. I dont participate in any religions, as I believe in myself and science that can be proved. I dont feel that I am or need to be better than any other ethnic group. I couldnt care less about what style is popular or what haircuts are in. I just try to be myself and try to ignore things that try to sway my opinions. Instead of taking someones word for something I would rather research and come to my own decision (almost to a fault). I think it is better to be different than a lemming following the crowd running off the cliff. References Fullinwider, Robert (2005). Affirmative Action. Retrieved February 1, 2006 from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/affirmative-action/.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Aristotles Doctrine Of The Four Causes

Aristotles Doctrine Of The Four Causes Aristotles four causes theory uphold that all the causes can be grouped into varies divisions. The 4 causes are based on general laws, and these causes are associated with the question of why a thing is. To answer such question is to give a cause. Any artifact can be broken down to these four causes. There is the Material Cause, Formal Cause, Efficient Cause and the Final Cause. The Material Cause is the basic element that makes up a thing, in other words the cause of the object. For example the Material cause of a table would be wood, without the wood the table could not exist unless they were present in its work. The Formal Cause pertains the appearance or pattern with which these materials are accumulated. For example the Formal Cause of a table would be the arrangement, shape, and the design. Efficient Cause is the source or designer of that from which the thing became what it is. For instance the Efficient Cause of a table would be the carpenter who made it. Thus, the table is t he table it is, because of the particular carpenter who made it. Lastly, the Final cause is the end (telos), the ultimate purpose or exact form of this object that comes to be. The final cause of a table would be to place meals or to place objects on top of it. For Aristotle its very important to understand the purpose of something in order to understand how to live ethically particularly human beings. This is part of the explanation of the tables existence, for it would never have been built in the first place. Give a brief critical analysis of Aristotles idea of Happiness. The central question of ethics for Aristotle is, what does it take for human beings to lead a good life? Aristotle outlines 3 points that he thinks have to be fulfilled for some purpose to be ultimate. Ultimate goal has to be self- sufficient. Final goal. In other words something you want for its own sake, not as stepping stone for something else Attainable. Since All activities have a final cause, or leads to some other desire, Ultimately for Aristotle the one goal that seems to fulfill all these stipulations was Happiness (eudaimonia). Not in the narrow sense of mental or emotional state but rather in the sense of well being or flourishing. If human beings can find happiness, happiness by its self is self- sufficient. Aristotle says that people need to make choices and in order to make choices we have to develop certain habits or virtues, which will allow you to make the right choices. People need to understand and even necessary to be taught the virtues habits. You need to develop these virtues to develop a happy life, but the virtues are the means to the end. How do we achieve this end? In order to understand that, we need to understand how Aristotle understood the human soul. Aristotle divided the soul into 3 parts. The basic part of the soul is basically vegetative. Our bodies grow and develop by itself without any kind of consciou s control. Similarly, to the vegetable world because it takes place totally without rational control. Above the vegetable soul, its the animal level, the level of desires. As human beings Aristotle says we have certain responsibility to control our desires otherwise we would simply be no different then animals. And finally there is the rational part of the soul which controls the animal desires, as well as seeks for higher types of learning, education and higher types of gratification. Happiness is the activity of the soul according to reason and these activities must be according to virtue and excellence. If there are several virtues excellences then they must be the highest activity. If you detain happiness, you could only die happy. Aristotle distinguishes 2 types of virtues. 1. Intellectual Virtue and Moral virtue. Intellectual Virtue comes from teaching and Moral virtue comes from Habituation. We acquire these virtues through virtues acts. Aristotle considers the life of the G ods, because the activity of a God is contemplation. Which is the highest form of activity of the soul to achieve Happiness. The Gods are engaged in intellectual virtues. The Gods are not interested in human affairs. If there is a perfect life for Aristotle, which happiness it is in this existence, its the here and now not in the afterlife. The wise person is the one that studies the most, and the one that studies the most is the one that is loved by the Gods, because he is performing an activity the is accepted by the Gods. Therefore, Aristotle would say that if you reached happiness then you have achieved the ultimate human existence. Does Plato make a convincing case for why philosophers should rule society? According to Plato, the society is to consist of three classes workers, warriors and rulers. Each of which must stick to completing their direct commitment. As to the rulers, Platos opinion regarding them is very interesting and different from the views of other philosophers. In the Republic, he dwell on different types of rulers, which vary from democrat to tyrant, and he come to the conclusion that philosopher would be best choice for the country due to number of characteristics. For example, considering the aspect of love for honor, the dialogue between Plato and Socrates is shaped in the following way: What about an honor-lover? A rich man is honored by many people, so is a courageous one and a wise one, but the pleasure of studying the things that are cannot be tasted by anyone except for a philosopher.(Cohen M.C., p. 567) Another reason for the philosopher to be considered the best ruler according to Plato is the fact that unlike the rest of the rulers (monarch or tyrant), the philosopher is inclined to look for truth rather than prove his rightness to others. The philosopher is always open to new ideas and is not likely to use conventional methods which do not suit the situation. As the ideal candidate for the position of the ruler of the state is considered by Plato to be a philosopher, there are two logical ways of realization of this idea: a philosopher must become a king or a king mist become a philosopher. Either way leads to building a harmonious and strong state where everyone knows his place and fulfills his obligations honestly. It goes without saying that Platos works are full of bright ideas, inspiration and desire to improve the society he lived in. Moreover, they are still very topical and most of them underlie modern philosophical concepts. However his theory is hard to implement in real life due to its idealistic nature and the nature of the human animal. What is the relationship between the sun simile, the divided line and the allegory of the cave in Platos Republic? The Allegory of the cave in the Republic illustrates the effects of the education on the soul. It is a story showing how true reality is not always what we think it is. It is a story of tolerance and the power of possibility. Plato sums the Plato imagines a group of prisoners who have been kept in the cave their whole lives. They have been chained so they could not see behind themselves and they are forced to stare at the cave wall in front of them. Behind them a fire is burning and between the prisoners and the fire is a raised walkway. Each day a menagerie of objects cross the walkway such as animals, and people. Their shapes create a shadow play on the wall in front of the prisoners. This is the only world the prisoners have ever known. Then one day a prisoner was dragged out of the cave into the sun light, after some time adjusting to the blinding light, he noticed that it was the sun that governed everything in the visible realm and which was in one way or another responsible fo r everything they use to see. This is obviously the next stage. The free prisoner began to experience the world outside of the cave for the very first time and it was nothing like he could have ever imagined. With his new perception of the world the man returns to his friends and wants to convince them that what they were seeing was just an illusion. But the prisoners cannot recognize their own friend, he appearance as all things do, a shadow with distorted voice. This does not make the world outside of the cave any less real. The divided line explains Platos theory of how knowledge works and how we come to have knowledge and clarity of the soul. In the Allegory of the Cave the line simile explains the four types knowledge from lowest to the highest. They are, Illusions, Belief or Trust, Mathematical Knowledge and lastly Philosophical Knowledge. It illustrates that the truth works once we deal with reality. The Allegory of the Cave explains that if we want to seek the real truth we have to accept the pain of dropping all of our preconceived notions of what truth was before. The light of the fire inside the dwelling is the power of the sun, which represents the form or character of the good. Once its seen the conclusion must be that it turns out to be the cause of all that is right and good for everything. Aristotle appears to argue that we are responsible for our moral character. However, if childhood training counts for so much in developing moral character,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.if we ourselves are not responsible for the training we receive? Virtue is a disposition involving choice. There are 2 parts to virtues. Intellectual virtue and Moral virtue. Intellectual virtue comes from teaching and moral virtue comes from habit. A decent person raises their children in a virtues way, since virtue comes with training and habituation. Therefore, we can say that it is obvious that we are not born with these characteristics but acquired them through nature of act.. We are responsible for the type of people we became, because we shape our moral character through choices and actions. For instance, a relationship (virtue), can be nourished through love and commitment to one another. Its not something that can be done inevitably but rather, voluntary. We are what we are, because of the things that we repeatedly do, and should not act ignorant nor make excuses. Example, becoming pianist by playing the piano, we became just by doing just actions. If it werent for our actions then teachers wouldnt be needed, for we would be born with suc h qualities. Explain Aristotles Doctrine of the mean. The doctrine of mean is Aristotles declaration to search for the middle ground, extremes exist in almost every aspect of life and one should seek for the mean. This mean is not an absolute one but a relative one, customized to the situation and person. But the location is always in between the two. For example in Nicomachean Ethics he lists the following examples; with respect to fear and confidence the mean is courage, excess in confidence leads to foolhardy and excess in fear leads to cowardice and with respect to honor and disgrace the mean is high-mindedness, excess of honor is called vanity and deficiency of it might be called humility or small-mindedness.

The Theory Of Functionalism

The Theory Of Functionalism The theory of functionalism is the oldest, and may also be the most dominant theoretical perspective of sociology. Functionalism agrees that brain states are responsible for mental states, but disagrees that they tend to be identical to each other. It is the argument from a functionalist perspective, that, the brain activity or neurological states are what realizes mental states, which in turn lead to the behavioural output in a physical way. It has a broad variety of positions which it is capable of articulating in many different diverse forms. They can be classified into the following; Analytic functionalism: The most widely used form of functionalism, which describes the causal role as a job description of mental states, which are derived from our concepts. Analytic functionalists claim, that, the specifications for a functional role (job descriptions) for mental states are a priori. The second version is Physchofunctionalism; which rejects the idea of behaviourism in psychology, as well as reject the physical aspect of the mind. The third would be Machine-state functionalism: This analogy was put forward by Hilary Putnam, a well-known American philosopher, who was inspired by the analogies of mind (the Turing machines) which is able to compute all given algorithms. In non-technical terms, the mind is a very complex computer program. It is a state in which given an input B, and such and such tends to happen. An example is when we input a set of numbers into the computer through a keyboard/software. It proposes that brain states are activities which are low level, whilst helping to realize mental states which are high level. To help the reader understand about the idea which was described above, I will use the more common functionalist example to discuss the relationship between the software and the computer. For example, we type the numbers 5 plus 8, on the one level (low level), the computer is dependent on the software for input. The software within the computer is calculating the answer to the numbers entered, while at the other level (high level), the information is output on the screen. In this instance, the functionalists would argue that the process of calculation would be released by the hardware (monitor). Therefore, the software which is used by the hardware, acts as the function role. This computer example can be used to translate into the terms of the brain. The mental states are dependent on the brain states in the same way, as the computers software is dependent on the computerÃÆ' ¯Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¿Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ½s hardware for the output of the information (monitor) and vice versa. In the functionalists view, the brain states help to realise the mental states which functions as a total functional system. With this, it is meant that the mind is made up of the total possible functional mental states that it can have. These will interact with the inputs (software), and the hardware (monitor) together, before they both produce the outputs. Functionalists say that if we think of mental states in a similar way, then maybe one day the machine may do the thinking or be artificially intelligent. This way, we could compare our process of thinking to a computer software, which in turn could run on several different machines. The concept for a machine is the concept of an artificial intelligence. This intelligence can be classified as weak AI or strong AI. This type of intelligence would make it possible that one day a computer could be invented with a mind of its own. In other words, it would think, imagine, and reason. It could eventually do all the things we associate with the human brain. In a weak AI example, it is argued that the intelligence of a computer appears to think on its own, but it is actually unconscious the same way human brains are. In the weak AI, just like in the human brain, an input must occur in order to produce an output. When comparing functionalism with dualism for example, it has obvious strengths. Functionalism tries to explain behaviour, rather than just observing it. It uses the physical world to explain the mental states, combining physical inputs with the outputs, rather than segregating the physical world from the mind. In Dualism for example, mental and physical states are both separate, in general terms, the two cannot be assimilated to form one unit (Levin, 2009). One of the most famous philosophers in the 17th century, Descartes, who considered himself a Dualist, also argued against the thought of mechanical and mind properties to be the same (Cottingham, p. 221, 2012). His notion led him to believe that the mind and the body could indeed exist without one another. Then again, how could the mind operate without the physical? This would not be possible. For example, if we take pain as an example. Pain just does not happen in our brain. Pain can be identified with something material (physical) which sends a neurological message to our brain that something hurts (mental). As you can see, the physical and mental aspects correlate, rather than act separately. Another strength of functionalism, is that a functional system can be realisable in multiple ways. For example, if we refer back to the computer analogy, the same computer software should be usable on different computers. Potentially, computers could have minds similar to ours, as long as they can perform the some functions as us. On the other hand, some philosophers think functionalist accounts of mental states tend to be too liberal. For some, it is a mistake for a computer and its software to have the same mental states as a human. Some of these philosophers have argued that a computer and software would be unable to show genuine emotions. It would also be incapable of consciousness without someone inputting information e.g. typing the numbers 5 plus 8 into the software. Functionalism seems to omit the qualia of emotion or any consciousness in the process. This could be in part that is includes non-living things, as possible mental states. Some critics of functionalism do argue that mental states of living things (humans) or systems (computers) ought to include an account of qualia (emotions and consciousness). Another objection to functionalism would be that computers are non-living, it doesnt not use its own incoming information for their behaviour as do humans and other living things (non-human animals). In regards to non-living things, they are not systems or living things which rely on survival; and they do not have self-interests of their own. These are some of the considerations which objectors argue for, and call for functionalism to refine its theory. The minimum would be to try and distinguish the living things from the non-living. Would the objection to functionalism be answered if we were to imagine the mind as if it were unified? Perhaps one could look at individual mental states and imagine that some of them could portray certain aspects? i.e. memory and solving problems, but no kind of emotion or consciousness. If the computer for example would portray any of the above mentioned such as memory or solving problems by itself, one would not speak of the computer with having a mind or not. One would speak of the computer as having been able to solve a problem and using its capacity for memory to store the data etc. Would one ask a cat if it has a mind, although, one would rather enquire about its capacity for memory, its deception etc. The strengths and weaknesses have been stated for functionalism. It is an odd theory that non-living things could give rise to different mental events. In order for us to understand on how our mind works, we need to understand these processes. Only one type of brain state is needed according to functionalism, in order to correlate with events in our brain. It also seems, that, functionalism is dependent on things which are physical rather than involving mental events from the outset. It certainly leaves out emotions and thinking. The basis for functionalism seems to be input output only. Lets say, someone steps on a pin and they shout. The functionalists view seems to indicate that artificial beings and systems could produce their own consciousness and thoughts. Even if technological advancements of great magnitude can be made, a machine could not replicate the feelings and thoughts of a human. These examples would include stress, anxiety, nervousness etc.. It would be odd to think that a machine could be producing a personality that feels nervous or has a moral obligation to things. It perhaps maybe the case that functionalists are digging really deep in order to find and justify their theory on mental states and mental events.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

survival trip :: essays research papers

this paper is what to use on a survival trip. there are some things that you could add to it or take away if you feel needed Hey.. I IMed you but you put your away message on then you got Hey.. I IMed you but you put your away message on then you got off! Just email me back and tell me what you wanted to talk about. I won't be home all day Saturday and I work Sunday. I'll get on here Sunday night Hey.. I IMed you but you put your away message on then you got off! Just email me back and tell me what you wanted to talk about. I won't be home all day Saturday and I work SundHey.. I IMed you but you put your away message on then you got off! Just email me back and tell me what you wanted to talk about. I won't be home all day Saturday and I work Sunday. I'll get on here Sunday night to check my mail! Later tater tot! Have a good weekend! Lindzay. I'll get on here Sunday night to check my mail! Later tater tot! Have a good weekend! Lindzto check my mail! Later tater tot! Have a good weekend! Lindzoff! Just email me back and tell me what you wanted to talk about. I won't be home all day Saturday and I work Sunday. I'll get on here Sunday night to check my mail! Later tater tot! Have a good weekend! Lindz -Food- Item will you be there? hello hi how are you where are you are you there? 1. Water Why: you would Die without it 2. Animal crackers Why: Energy cookies crackers 3. Egg noodles Why: Energy 4. White rice Why: Energy 5. Choc. Chip Cookies Why: Energy 6. Sunflower seeds Why: Energy -Supplies- 1.Batteries Why: Power 2. Flashlight Why: Light to see 3. Sleeping bags Why: Stay warm 4. Matches Why: Light fire 5. Bandages Why: Heal ourselves 6.Asprin Why: Help pain 7. Compass Why: Keep us in the right direction 8. Pants Why: Clothing 9. Shirts Why: Clothing 10. Socks Why: Clothing 11. Jackets Why: Keep warm 12. Hiking boots Why: Keep feet dry 13. Hat Why: Keep head warm 14. Poncho Why: Stay dry 15. Anti-bacterial soap Why: stay germ free 16. Sunscreen Why: Protect skin survival trip :: essays research papers this paper is what to use on a survival trip. there are some things that you could add to it or take away if you feel needed Hey.. I IMed you but you put your away message on then you got Hey.. I IMed you but you put your away message on then you got off! Just email me back and tell me what you wanted to talk about. I won't be home all day Saturday and I work Sunday. I'll get on here Sunday night Hey.. I IMed you but you put your away message on then you got off! Just email me back and tell me what you wanted to talk about. I won't be home all day Saturday and I work SundHey.. I IMed you but you put your away message on then you got off! Just email me back and tell me what you wanted to talk about. I won't be home all day Saturday and I work Sunday. I'll get on here Sunday night to check my mail! Later tater tot! Have a good weekend! Lindzay. I'll get on here Sunday night to check my mail! Later tater tot! Have a good weekend! Lindzto check my mail! Later tater tot! Have a good weekend! Lindzoff! Just email me back and tell me what you wanted to talk about. I won't be home all day Saturday and I work Sunday. I'll get on here Sunday night to check my mail! Later tater tot! Have a good weekend! Lindz -Food- Item will you be there? hello hi how are you where are you are you there? 1. Water Why: you would Die without it 2. Animal crackers Why: Energy cookies crackers 3. Egg noodles Why: Energy 4. White rice Why: Energy 5. Choc. Chip Cookies Why: Energy 6. Sunflower seeds Why: Energy -Supplies- 1.Batteries Why: Power 2. Flashlight Why: Light to see 3. Sleeping bags Why: Stay warm 4. Matches Why: Light fire 5. Bandages Why: Heal ourselves 6.Asprin Why: Help pain 7. Compass Why: Keep us in the right direction 8. Pants Why: Clothing 9. Shirts Why: Clothing 10. Socks Why: Clothing 11. Jackets Why: Keep warm 12. Hiking boots Why: Keep feet dry 13. Hat Why: Keep head warm 14. Poncho Why: Stay dry 15. Anti-bacterial soap Why: stay germ free 16. Sunscreen Why: Protect skin

Friday, July 19, 2019

Australia :: Australia Research Papers

Australia Australia, the continent down under, filled with kangaroos, koala bears, and many more unique creatures. I always wanted to go to Australia, but never knew much about it, like the history behind it, and what there really is to do. So I decided to research it and talk to people that are familiar with it. I started my search off by looking in an encyclopedia called Encyclopedia International and looked up Australia. The encyclopedia was written back in 1970 but things have changed since that time. The general information about Australia did not change though, such as the temperatures, the types of animals and birds that live there, and geographic facts. This article did not give me enough information so I kept on looking. I then got online and went to the search engine Dogpile and looked up "Australia." I got tons of matches for my search, but found an interesting site. ( This was the official site for Australia, so that is why it is so reliable. It was loaded with information about almost everything in Australia that I wanted to learn more about. It discussed the places to see, things to do, exotic experiences, food and wine, and the nightlife in Australia. The site still left some details out that I was still looking for such as what kinds of shopping is there to do, what the Australians are like, etc. After learning more about Australia, I called Liberty Travel in Harrisburg and spoke to a very nice lady named Helen Andrews. Helen explained that she was once there many years ago, but has sent numerous people there recently. So Helen could give me a lot of great information I was looking for. She gave me a website to look up. She said it is wonderful and has very good information. Thanks to her, I found out what airline to take to Australia and what the best way to get around the continent is. Helen was a huge help! I got back online to check out the website ( that Helen gave to me. It was loaded with all types of tours of Australia. It had all the prices, what you would be doing, how long the trip would be and so on. Each tour was very different and exciting. It also had the full itinerary of each tour as well, which was very helpful! I still remained online to discover another interesting and informative website.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Essay --

Living with Lupus Lauren Choate College of the Mainland â€Æ' Lupus is a dangerous disease that can affect anyone. It has no cure and is known to affect 9 out of 10 adults. â€Å"Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), also called lupus, is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease characterized by unusual antibodies in the blood that target tissues of the body.† (Frazier & Drzymkowski, 2008) Autoimmune means that your immune system cannot tell the difference between foreign invaders and your body’s healthy tissues and creates autoantibodies that attack and destroy healthy tissue. These autoantibodies cause inflammation, pain, and damage in various parts of the body. Lupus affects each individual differently and it may be worse for one person than it is for another. My grandmother, Carolyn, was diagnosed with Systemic lupus erythematosus in her early forties. She suffered a long time before she was diagnosed with Lupus. â€Å"The worst part of my lupus is the flare-ups† Carolyn said, â€Å"It feels as if I am on fire sometimes and every single inch of my body hurts in the most awful way I have ev...

Paschal Mystery

Gabrielle Murabito Brother Jim, S. A. C. New Testament 9 April 2013 Paschal Mystery Essay God had a wonderful plan for everything He created for all things that exist. The Paschal Mystery is Christ work of redemption through His Passion, death, Resurrection, Ascension, and Pentecost. The term Paschal mystery comes from the Pasch, which is the Passover event of the Exodus. God sent the ancient Hebrews from slavery and death in Egypt, so Jesus could save us from original sin and eternal death. God the Father sent His Son to rescue all humanity.His Son did this by dying for the whole world. He willingly offered himself for the salvation through His suffering, death, Resurrection, Ascension, and Pentecost. Christians call it the Paschal Mystery because we celebrate this in the sacrament of Eucharist. Eucharist represents Christ’s body and that was given to His followers on the Last Supper. It is all meant to show God’s love and Jesus’ suffering. Jesus redeemed himsel f through His passion, death, Resurrection, Ascension, and Pentecost.Jesus’ passion is He, Himself, suffering through and eventually dying on the cross. In Mark 14:58, the footnote 14:38 states that â€Å"Everyone is faced with this struggle, the full force of which Jesus is accepted on our behalf and, through his bitter passion and death, achieved the victory†. Jesus accepted His passion when He accepted His cross and out of His own free will, died for us. Jesus’ death only lasted 3 hours. When others got crucified, it lasted days.Jesus was mocked until His death, beaten many times, had to carry His own cross, and when He was put on the cross, He eventually died from suffocation because He had too much fluid in His lungs from hanging. His death was very painful but He did it for all of us. In Mark 15:39, it says, â€Å"When the centurion who stood facing Him saw how He breathed his last he said, Truly this man was the Son of God! †. His death proved to e veryone that He, Jesus was the Son of God. On the third day, Jesus resurrected.Many did not believe, they were afraid. His resurrection changed Him physical. He was no longer the same. Jesus could walk through walls but could still be able to eat and touch people. His resurrection also proved that He was the Son of God. â€Å"So then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God. † Mark 16:19, explains the Ascension of Jesus. He ascended into heaven in His resurrected body. This proves that all humanity is taken into heaven.Jesus mission on earth has been accomplished and will return again someday. On the fifteenth day following Easter when the Holy Spirit is made present, given, and communicated as divine Person of the Trinity. Pentecost is an event when the Apostles and Disciples were in the upper room and the Holy Spirit came upon. â€Å"The Holy Spirit gave them abilities. † This event marked the beginni ng of the manifestation of the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. Now, Jesus’ mission will be completed through others. Jesus, the redeemer, saved the whole world from sin.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Meat Industry Essay

tidy sum all over the world sap nucleus for its nutritional economic value and taste. The farm to endureher States Department of Agriculture field of studys that in the course of instruction 2011 citizenry in the U.S emaciated 25.6 billion pounds of beef. roughly of this kernel was produced in America. A holistic approach to nutrition output is fundamental in social club to improve the property of beef. What we feed our cattle, the housing conditions and the butchery process flat imp do works our pabulum. What the farmers feed cattle flat affects the prize of beef for the consumer. The affright has some much benefits from have stigmatise than universe fed corn. It is a lot kempt for cow to consume grass because that is what their stomachs argon made for. The stomachs have three sections that be made specifically for digesting grass (Healthy conjecture -Corn- supply Vs. Grass-Fed Beef). Today, most cattle ar set up on a feed that is found on corn . The oxen used to be fed grass and freewheel publish but since than at that place have been pitchs. The estimate about nutriment cattle corpuscle began during World War II. It all started when farmers were producing to a greater extent than grain than the Ameri great deal population could handle, so the rest of it was fed to cattle. It was discovered that aliment a cow different types of grains modifyed them up a lot swift than when kine were consuming grass. With a grass fed bettert, it takes cows about tailfin years to reach 1,200 pounds.However, with the grain-based diet it takes a cow about 390 days to get to a reach fitting burthen for slaughter (Healthy theory -Corn-Fed Vs. Grass-Fed Beef). Also, the producer benefits more from feeding his cows corn because it is cheaper than grass. Therefore, a diet based on corn is more cost effective but the quality of tenderness has less nutritional value (Why Grass Fed- Health Benefits of Grass Fed Beef). The consu mer benefits more from plaza that comes from cows that consume grass rather than in-taking different types of grains. The cow is a lot healthier and happier when it is eating grass, which results in higher quality meat. Since cows stomachs atomic number 18 meant to break down grass, a corn based diet causes changes in the digestion of a cow leading to sincere health problems, such as diarrhea, ulcers, and a weakened immune outline. As a result of these issues, the cows ar accustomed antibiotics to alleviate prevent this from occurring, which makes the meat unhealthier (Healthy Theory -Corn-Fed Vs. Grass-Fed Beef). A nonher massive topic of vexation is the disregard of animal public assistance.These animals bent existenceness sustentationd for and they are treated as units of production (Learn some The Issues). In order to fatten up cows in clock for slaughter, many another(prenominal) farmers put them in feedlots. The conditions these cows go through are unbearable. As many cows as possible are crammed into each pen. The result of this is bulky amounts of waste covering the animals living lieu (The Issues Animal Welfare). This causes the air to be ulcerous and creates many gases and diseases that arent wanted. During the whole snip the cows are in the feedlot they are breathing in methane gas. Large amounts of methane are deadly for animals because it takes away(p) oxygen from the air, which provoke affect the central nervous musical arrangement (2- Health Effects of Methane). The alternative is a more holistic way, which allows the cattle to roam around freely on huge pastures until they get fat luxuriant to get slaughtered. In the United States, animal welfare is macrocosm ignored, because cows are be treated in a uncouth and unhealthy way.When they are living in the feedlots, they are covered with manure and arent being cared for. As soon as cows are fat enough to get slaughtered, they are sent to the nearest slaughterhouse. On their journey they are set about with heartbreaking situations. They are often transported from 1,200 to 1,ergocalciferol miles away in scorching live brook or freezing temperatures. Dr. Lester Friedlander, a agent U.S. Department of Agriculture veterinarian quizzer said, They are crammed onto trucks and go without food or water for days. When it is cold, they are in the back of a trailer with vigour covering them. As the driver drives sixty miles per hour, cows are being undecided to a variety of extreme weather. more cows collapse in hot weather. While they are traveling they urinate. by and by sometime it begins to freeze while their hooves are standing in it. Also, the fur of the cows freezes to the sides of the trucks until proles pry them off with crowbars(Cow Transport and Slaughter). When the cows get to the slaughterhouse, they are often in bad conditions. Most of them are ptyalise and cannot walk because they are too weak. In order to move weak and hurt cows they are dragged along with a bulldozer by a drawstring around their neck or leg. pull down though they are in bad shape, cows are still being used for their meat because it means more money in the producers pocket. If some of the cows are able to walk, they are still handle. Workers beat them with a metal rod in order to move them faster (The Humane high society of the United States). Also, in advance they are killed the cows are lined up to front for their turn to be stunned so that they will pass out before they get slaughtered. Sometimes the stunning procedure does not work. Ramon Moreno, a slaughterhouse worker has stated that he often has to raceway the legs off of cows that are all conscious. They blink. They make noises, he says. The head moves, the eye are wide and looking around. They die piece by piece. If workers try to report that the cows are still vivacious they risk loosing their jobs (Cow Transport and Slaughter). After cows reach a certain weight they are ready to be slaughtered for meat consumption. The process of turning cows into packed meat can cause the meat to be infected. Before they are slaughtered, cows are cleaned. However, in some cases not healthful enough. The waste of the cow can get into the processed meat that is being cut by the workers.This can soil the meat with E-coli, which is a type of bacteria that can lead to death. According to Centers for affection Control estimates, up to 20,400 cases of E. coli infection and 500 deaths from E-coli disease occur annually in the United States (Escherichia Coli 0157H7). Another disease that is created in these fast paced industries is mad cow disease. (the issues-slaughterhouses and processing). sick of(p) cow disease affects the cows nervous system and it causes the cow to act confused and loose control of the exponent to walk (What is hallucinating Cow Disease). When people eat infected beef they may contract a human pas seul of mad cow disease. It affects the ner vous system causing depression and loss of coordination. As it becomes more severe, it causes dementia (The Basics of Mad Cow Disease). With our modern day technology, slaughterhouses are able to kill thousands and thousands of cows every day.There are many solutions that can change the food assiduity to produce their meat in a more animal friendly way. To help cut back more meat being produced in factories, consumers can life local farms by eating food that is grown locally. Holistic farming care for their animals and focus on getting delicious, healthy meat than just producing more and more for profit. The food quality of holistic farmed meat is a lot better because the cows are raised and treated well as opposed to when the animals are abused their whole life. If we really want a change, it is up to Americans to demand that. Currently, laws support the industrial farming methods and lack the attempt of portion small farms grow. An example is that American value money goes to support research and the direct cost of large food producing companies (Learn About the Issues).In order for there to be a change, citizens need to become cognizant(predicate) of the process. Change will happen by the consumer supporting politicians who are looking to change the food industry. Consequently, producers would need to be more focused on the care of the animals than earning as much money as possible. What American farmers feed their cattle, where they raise them and how they get slaughtered directly impacts the quality of our food. It is important for consumers to be aware of the United States food industry because there is so much more screw the food brought to you in the supermarket. If the consumer buys meat that is produced holistically, and mandate puts focus on the care of animals, the food industry will be constrained to improve their methods.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

CHALLENGES OF YOUTHS IN A MODERN WORLD The Longman Modern English Dictionary defines youth as â€Å"the state or quality of being young, the period from childhood to maturity; young people of both sexes†. A youth is characterized by features such as youngness, restlessness, strength, independence, curiosity; search fro greatness, vigor good, health etc. Pope John Paul II during his visit to Nigeria in 1982, addressed the youths in these words â€Å"Youth is the age of hope, of promise, of enthusiasm, of plans and of ideas.Youth does not want to give up in the face of difficulties†¦ Youth believes in a better world and is determined to do something to help bring it about†.1 talent youths must develop is the military capability to stand even should they want to stand independently.In the church, the youths have the responsibility of evangelizing. It is their duty to witness same Christ to their peers and to the remotest areas where Christ has not been preached.An thony Aja, quoting the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II wrote: â€Å"The Church needs your energies, your enthusiasm; your youthful ideas in order to make the Gospel of life penetrate the fabric of the society†. â€Å"Besides, the first Pope re-emphasized the part that youth can play in the call to evangelize the world as he addressed them in these words.Youths occasionally appear to forget this.

To be good evangelizer, witnessing must be accompanied by good example, being like Christ in all ramification. The bible recorded many same dynamic youths worthy of emulation. Two of such youths will be considered in this text. They are Joseph and David.Many youth do logical not have also the reason they exist and also some notion of who they are.How about you? He hated sin. He successfully resisted the temptation from his master’s wife. To the sin-laden second wife of his master Portipha, he asked, â€Å"how can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God†? (Gen. 39:9).Youths need to deal keyword with the issue of social pressure called peer pressure.

Titus 2:11-12. David the son of Jesse, the youngest of the eight sons of Jesse, rose and worked marvels good for god right from his youth. He killed a lion, a bear and conquered the veteran warrior Goliath. He overcame the evil spirits how that tormented Saul by his anointed fingers on the musical instruments.Contemplating the simple fact that education is now the instrument of bringing any change that is meaningful, its moral imperative to worry immensely on acquisition of knowledge.Challenges Facing the Youth Today The general state of youth reveals spirituals, social and psychological crises and confusion.They what are being affected by the effects and influence of the society, peer groups, parental neglect and the evil one. Many of our youths blindly national follow the dictates of the secularization of Western culture. The effects of secularism on most people have even made them argue that churches should accepts the society’s new directions.To find additional infor mation, last visit youthspecialties.

However, they forget to recognize that this stage is important and transitory – a stage between childhood and adulthood. Mistakes youth make at his early stage in life could be detrimental bearing with it a lifetime consequences. For example, Youths who take to armed robbery, prostitution, drug trafficking, political thruggery, and all manner of violent practices carry over such nefarious activities from their youthful stage into adulthood.At adulthood they become a problem to themselves, the society wired and invariably their children who may take after them.That adults, together with youths.Flee from all evil desires and run after righteous. Many of how our youths are compromising with worldly ideals. Compromise with the world brings corruption. It destroys the child of God’s testimony and makes his light grow dim.Suggest dilute solutions to every one.

However, the challenges facing our youths (Christian youth) is how to use them without abusing them. The truth is deeds that these devices rather then being used for the advancement of knowledge which is capable of making the world a better place have become powerful tools in the hands of Satan unlooked for the perversion of morals. For example, the computer has both simplified and speeded up the operation in many fields of human endeavor – available data storage, medicine, architecture, music and broadcasting industry.These are interactive computer software for learning of virtually any subject.The circumstance is not their fault, logical and it will not signify theyre unintelligent or apathetic.Sources of information and different educational operations are now available on the internet. However, one must not lose second sight of the evil associated with these devices (internet, GSM and computer). Many (including children, youth and even older people) are introduced to do world of deceit, indecency, immorality crime, sexual perversions, violence and many other vices through the use of these inventions of modern technology. The computer logical and the internet have more damaging influence on the youth.It may not do great to mention it, but it.

This a leading to a dramatic decline in the academic performance of the youth and a high rate of unproductively of the youth in all spheres of life.Wise parents should rise up to this challenge, and set up corrective measures to arrest this trend of self – destruction of the youth. 2. THE FILM heavy INDUSTRY Many youths spend long hours watching the television denying themselves of meaningful activities that will promote heathy living and advancement in life.Nearly all how them exist just because they can breathe.What about movies dominated with violent operations?. This negates God peaceful co-existence among men. Parents must therefore rise up to control what their children watch on the television. 3.Ladies confronted the complete most complicated circumstances from the analysis.

Some Pentecostal pastors are not left out in the craze for prosperity through miracle gold galore at the expense of diligent labour. 4. SEARCH FOR GREENER PASTURE Many youths run the risk of searching for illegal means to go out of this country for better life. Experiences of those who attempted leaving this country reveal the agony many had to go though traveling through waste land to cross over to their â€Å"promised land†.Parents arent perfect.Youths from such homes run away from home, get involved in all forms of crimes such as 419, armed robbery, thuggery, prostitution or hired assassions.Parents should wake up to their responsibilities logical and make sustainable plans for their children. 6. INDECENT DRESSING AMONG YOUTHS We have been wonderfully made by God.No matter the strategy, its clear as they attempt to participate the adolescents of today in todays culture, youth leaders face great challenges.

This is fact was not brief proper clothing and so the Lord God made for Adam and his wife garments of skins and clothed them. This implies deeds that the lord God covered their nakedness.Therefore, any clothing that does not cover the body fully is an indecent cloth. Let us also consider the demoniac in St.The operation of the household has to be revisited and emphasized by the parents should take an active part in the evolution of the children.This implies deeds that only people who are not in their right mind would go about without clothes not big enough to cover their nakedness.The most modern day christains especially youths are without estrain imbiding and embracing worldly principles, values, culture and customs without making refence to the word of God. The bible says: â€Å"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the father is not in him.The terrible news is these issues.

However, they forget that there is a link between the state of man’s heart and the outward appearance. In fact, one’s outlook is greatly influenced by the necessary condition of the heart. It is not uncommon today to find different kinds of immodest and indecent dressed worn by the majority of young people and some older people in the society, even in the church of God. These ladies wear transparent and body hugged clothes under the guise of fashion and civilization.Preachers and elders arent perfect.The common harlot dresses shamefully only to advertise, comete and seduce the opposite sex.They wear revealing clothes which create in men some immoral desires. Mini-skirts are symbolic of those ladies who want to seduce men. Every mini-skirt is a fuel that sets the mind of a man to imagine the most debased thoughts.Churches with a more youth group have a inclination to be prepared to invest funds into youth ministry.

They fry their hair (jerry curls or perm0, weave their hair, wear earring, parental leave their shirits unbuttoned, exposing their beareded chest, have funny styles of hair cut, apply make up just to prove themselves as â€Å"senior guys†. 7. Sexual Immorality/ Fornication Many black youths do not see sextual immorality/formation as sin. They see it as a way of expressing their love to a person of the opposite sex.Youngsters will great need to realize that life is a ride.Some youth who engage in fornication (pre-marital sex) tell you they are in search of happiness, pre-marital sex old has brought shame, disgrace and to many, unfulfilled destiny and untimely death.According to Ibid: Pre-marital sex has many adverse effects surrounding it. By so doing expose themselves to many risks such as: pregnancy, abortion, death, death, veneral disease, fear, shame, disrespect, sterility, uncompleted career are grievous sins against God, your creator. These are what we risk ourselve s for, Just a mere pleasure which does not last.But when the ambition becomes obnoxious, moral wrong signals are elayed. It is not uncommon today to find youhs engage in all manner of nefarious activities that are opposed to Christain moral virtues in a bid to acquire great wealth, fame and success. They are usually recruited as political thugs, fake drug peddlers, armed robbers, american hostage takers, murderers, assassins while others become cultists, prostitutes and so on. Some become involved in dubious and undefiled business.

Anything contrary leads to hellfire. 9. Peer Group Influence Many Youth have been led astray by those they regard as friends. The influences of peers can bring about a positive or a negative change in one’s life.John Chidi once classified friendship into 3: 1. Friendship based on unity 2. Friendship based on Sexual pleasure 3. Good griendship Youth should be encouraged to get involved in good friendship I =n which a man and a woman can be close friends without any sexual intercourse whatsoever.The musical instrument sound than the wordings as obtained in worldly music. Such songs do not give any inspiration, and it lacks modesty and moderation. So also is the obscene little dance that accompanies the music.Flee from such music and from every apprearance of evil.Many parents have lost inetrest in investing into education of their children. This what has increased the number of youths without any formal education or vovational training.One sees them in high dense areas/cit ies milling around motor parks, marj=ket places, in hide outs, practically doing nothing meaningful. Their daily existence depend on how much they can steal, extort from people or just waste away.

12. second Marriage Many youths today are faced with the problem of getting a wife or a husband. This could be attributed to a number of factors such as parental influence or control, self, sin and the devil. Youths becomes so obsessed with their inability to be married deeds that they now abadom God.The youth who desires life and the fruits of happy life must desire God and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Seek first the kingdom of God and all its righteous and all other things will be added unto you (Matt. 6:33). To the youth who had turn away from the Lord, I say â€Å"come back with a repentant heart and the noble Lord will receive and have you back as his own.You are to stay unpolluted and unperturbed in the constantly changing world where you dwell.The unchanging true God will substain you, for he has said. :For I am the Lord, I change not† (Malachi 3:6). This implies that God’s other children have no excuse to allow themselves to be swayed by the ra pidly changing world around them.. Must be resolved to live a holy life. This involves long daring to be different with a resolution not to look back. 4.